

Chemin de la Prairie 34
1007 Lausanne

Victim Support and Child Protection Unit



Fachstelle OKey
General-Guisan-Strasse 47
8400 Winterthur

Shelter and Advice Center



Rue du Controle 12
2503 Biel/Bienne

In its women’s shelter, the Fondation Armée du Salut Switzerland offers a safe haven to women in distress aged 18 and over and their children. Here, women affected by physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence find protection and calm. The length of stay varies according to individual needs.
As well as safe accommodation at a secret address, we offer women professional advice and support. Together, we plan the next steps and work out new prospects for the future and life, step by step.
In addition to personal counselling, our services include support in the referral system and socio-therapeutic services for women and children. We also offer children’s play activities on a daily basis.



Frauenhaus Heilsarmee
Stiftung Heilsarmee Schweiz

For over a century, the Cœur des Grottes has offered shelter and biopsychosocial support to all women who are victims of violence or human trafficking. A helping hand towards reconstruction.



Rue de l’Industrie 14
1201 Genève

We welcome anyone, with or without children, who is a victim of domestic violence of a physical, sexual, psychological, economic or social nature in an emergency situation, to offer them a listening ear and safety.


Place Centrale 2
1920 Martigny

For 60 years, the mission of the Foyer Arabelle association has been to support women and children in difficulty.

Arabelle offers accommodation with assessment and socio-educational support, nursery facilities for children from the hostel and the neighbourhood, and outpatient services before, after or independently of the stay.



Avenue des Grandes-Communes 64

1213 Onex

The aim of the Association is to help children and their parents who are experiencing personal or family difficulties:

  • a boarding school with a special school – the Centre médico-pédagogique (CMP)
  • an outpatient support unit for families with small children – Le Coteau
  • a visiting support structure – Espace contact
  • a day centre for young people – ASEJ Les Croisettes
  • a boarding school with a special school – le Home-Chez-Nous (HCN)



Chemin de la Cigale 21
1010 Lausanne

The Unité de prestations espace rencontre (UPER) provides three different services:

  1. A service for children who have left the boarding school and are placed with a foster family or with one of their biological parents.
  2. A service for children in boarding care who see their parent(s) away from home.
  3. Provision for children who have left boarding school to return home. The aim of the first two services is to maintain the parent-child bond in a special place. The home service is provided by two UPER educators. This service is provided when the child returns home from boarding school.


Av. de Beaumont 46bis

1012 Lausanne

We support women and children in breaking free from violence and in dealing with their experiences. We are committed and take action in visible, invisible and sustainable ways.

Aarbergergasse 36
3011 Bern