Consultation médico-légale pour adultes victimes de violence (CMLV) – HUG
The forensic consultation service at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) is open to all adult victims of violence, whether domestic, family or community-based (on the public highway or in the workplace, for example).
It is run by a specially trained team of nurses, who work in close collaboration with forensic doctors.
The consultation offers victims :
- A warm welcome and an attentive ear, enabling them to talk about the violent events they have experienced.
- A clinical examination focusing on the violence they have experienced, so that forensic documentation can be compiled (report of assault and battery, photographs of injuries). The report can help the victim to assert her rights.
- Referral to a network of partner institutions and associations.
The CMLV’s premises are a calm and safe place to hear a detailed account of the violence experienced.
The medical-legal consultation for adult victims of violence (CMLV) does not deal with sexual violence, for which victims are treated in the gynaeco-obstetric emergency department for women at the HUG Maternity Hospital, and in the adult emergency department for men.
rue Jean-Violette 29
1205 Genève