Centre de consultation LAVI Valais Romand

LAVI stands for Loi fédérale sur l’Aide aux Victimes d’Infractions. The LAVI came into force on 1 January 1993.

A victim within the meaning of the LAVI and the CPP is any person who, as a result of a criminal offence, has suffered direct physical, sexual or psychological harm. Examples include bodily harm, rape, sexual abuse of a child, a traffic accident, a death threat, kidnapping or robbery.

It is not necessary for the perpetrator of the offence to be discovered, for his behaviour to be culpable or for him to have acted intentionally. Furthermore, it is not necessary to file a criminal complaint in order to meet with us.

The LAVI and the CPP guarantee special rights to victims of crime and their next of kin (the victim’s spouse, children and father or mother):

  • Any victim may seek advice and assistance from an LAVI counselling centre in any Swiss canton;
  • In criminal proceedings, victims have certain specific rights;
  • In criminal proceedings, victims have certain specific rights; in the canton where the offence was committed, they can also claim compensation for the harm suffered as a result of the offence (material damage and/or non-material harm).

LAVI counselling centres offer a confidential and free service. They advise victims and their families, help them assert their rights and refer them to specialist professionals (lawyers, psychologists, doctors, etc.). Interviews are by appointment only.



Rue des Vergers 1, 1950 Sion

