Association for the prevention of violence towards children and teenagers

Hotline: 0800 800 140



Route de Chandoline 25 E

1950 Sion

The Nouveau Départ association is there to help victims of violence to take steps to escape the violence and avoid returning to it.
Our aim is to help people suffering domestic violence by offering a range of support services, including food, equipment and a listening ear. We have a 24/7 helpline staffed by volunteer responders.


Route du barrage 25

1728 Rossens

The forensic consultation service at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) is open to all adult victims of violence, whether domestic, family or community-based (on the public highway or in the workplace, for example).

It is run by a specially trained team of nurses, who work in close collaboration with forensic doctors.

The consultation offers victims :

The CMLV’s premises are a calm and safe place to hear a detailed account of the violence experienced.

The medical-legal consultation for adult victims of violence (CMLV) does not deal with sexual violence, for which victims are treated in the gynaeco-obstetric emergency department for women at the HUG Maternity Hospital, and in the adult emergency department for men.


rue Jean-Violette 29

1205 Genève


The Fondation Carrefour works with children, adolescents, young adults and families experiencing social and/or behavioural difficulties.

Services offered:



Rue de Neuchâtel 34

2034 Peseux

OLEJ’s main mission is to document and monitor developments in the situation of children and young people and the public policies that affect them, with the aim of strengthening children’s rights and anticipating future developments.

Our mission:


Av. Tissot 2bis
1006 Lausanne

Maison Cana is a temporary shelter for women in vulnerable situations. This peaceful place, nestled in a green area in Muraz, opened its doors in September 2024.
The facility offers 6 places 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A multi-disciplinary team offers a range of social support services designed to help people regain their independence, gain access to individual accommodation and, depending on the situation, resume a social and/or professional activity.

Chez Paou – Accueil temporaire pour femmes
Rue du Chablais 45
1893 Collombey-Muraz

The child and adolescent protection team of the Eastern Vaud and Lower Valais regions



Hôpital Riviera-Chablais


Route du Vieux-Séquoia 20

1847 Rennaz

The Child Protection Group (GPE) provides care for children and adolescents under the age of 16 who are victims of abuse and neglect, as well as children at risk. Comprising doctors (paediatricians, child psychiatrists, gynaecologists, surgeons), social workers and carers, the GPE deals with situations where abuse is known or suspected.

The child protection group’s target groups are

Our services are aimed at anyone who has questions about a possible risk to infants, children and adolescents and/or would like to seek advice:


Kantonsspital Baden

Im Ergel 1

5404 Baden