If you are in an acute situation of violence, contact the police on the emergency number 117.

You are safe with us and will find peace to plan your next steps with our support. We will provide information and advice about your legal options, accompany you to appointments and connect you to other professionals. We will support you with issues relating to raising your children and the children will regularly be looked after by professionals.

Postfach 2329
5001 Aarau

The Frauenhaus beider Basel is the most important facility in the region for women affected by violence, with or without children. For security reasons, the location is not publicly known and is only communicated by telephone when an appointment is made.


The women’s shelter can be reached day and night at 061 681 6633. Telephone counselling is always possible, is confidential and does not commit you to anything. You can find more information at: www.frauenhaus-basel.ch. The website is in many languages.