The Nouveau Départ association is there to help victims of violence to take steps to escape the violence and avoid returning to it.
Our aim is to help people suffering domestic violence by offering a range of support services, including food, equipment and a listening ear. We have a 24/7 helpline staffed by volunteer responders.
Route du barrage 25
1728 Rossens
Help for people who are overwhelmed by their own emotions and act violently
EX-pression is aimed at adult men and women in the canton of Fribourg. Its services are also available to German and non-German speakers (with the help of interpreters).
The association offers professional listening, support and guidance to perpetrators of violence to help them overcome their excessive behaviour. In this way, they can open up to a new understanding of their experiences.
Rte de la Vignettaz 48
1700 Freiburg
Since 2005, the 1, 2, 3… SOLEIL association has been combating child abuse through preventive and informative communication campaigns.
Association 1,2,3… Soleil
Chemin de la Pépinière 54
1093 La Conversion
The Point Rencontre Fribourg organises accompanied visits and is open to anyone referred by court order or under a mandate from an official social service. Anyone may contact us on their own initiative for advice on accompanied visiting rights.
Before visiting the Point Rencontre Fribourg for the first time, you are asked to contact the management. They will be given a presentation on how the visit works and the arrangements.
Rue des Femmes Savantes 2
1762 Givisiez
Its mission is to support families in the aftermath of upheaval (parental separation, bereavement, serious illness, mental illness), giving them the opportunity to remobilize and acquire the resources and skills they need to regain their strength and ability to live life to the full.
As’trame Vaud / 021 648 56 56 / / Place de la Riponne 1, 1005 Lausanne
As’trame Genève / 022 340 17 37 / / Rue du Léopard 3, 1227 Carouge
As’trame Valais / 027 552 20 25 / / Chemin des Collines 2B, 1950 Sion
As’trame Arc (Neuchâtel- Bern – Jura) / 032 552 70 60 / / Rue du Château 21, 2000 Neuchâtel
As’trame Fribourg / 026 322 10 14 / / Avenue de la Gare 14, 1700 Fribourg
We offer listening, information and support to those affected.
Our association also has a shelter for women and their children in need of safety.
Rue de Lausanne 91
P.O. Box 538
1701 Fribourg