The Nouveau Départ association is there to help victims of violence to take steps to escape the violence and avoid returning to it.
Our aim is to help people suffering domestic violence by offering a range of support services, including food, equipment and a listening ear. We have a 24/7 helpline staffed by volunteer responders.
Route du barrage 25
1728 Rossens
The Fondation Carrefour works with children, adolescents, young adults and families experiencing social and/or behavioural difficulties.
Services offered:
- EDUCATIVE ACTION IN OPEN ENVIRONMENTS: Support service for families facing educational and relational difficulties of a family, personal, social, educational or professional nature. The aim of the support is to work with the parents’ resources and those of their child(ren), in order to find solutions to the difficulties encountered.
- LOCAL RECEPTION, SUPPORT AND ACCOMPANYMENT: A local reception, support and accompaniment service for young people aged 10 to 25. Present in the neighbourhoods and public spaces of Neuchâtel’s mountains and valleys, it offers support to young people who want it and works to promote social cohesion.
- ACTION AND AMBULATORY SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES: Individualised, intensive intervention for children (aged 0-18), aimed at keeping them in their natural environment with the support of a multidisciplinary team.
- LA BATOUDE: Support for young people who want to give a new impetus to their lives by taking advantage of this innovative service.
Rue de Neuchâtel 34
2034 Peseux
The child and adolescent protection team of the Eastern Vaud and Lower Valais regions
Hôpital Riviera-Chablais
Route du Vieux-Séquoia 20
1847 Rennaz
The Child Protection Group (GPE) provides care for children and adolescents under the age of 16 who are victims of abuse and neglect, as well as children at risk. Comprising doctors (paediatricians, child psychiatrists, gynaecologists, surgeons), social workers and carers, the GPE deals with situations where abuse is known or suspected.
The child protection group’s target groups are
- children, young people, families and their caregivers
- professionals, institutions and authorities that work with children, young people and their families
- teachers, school boards, school social workers
- private individuals who have questions and would like to seek advice in the event of suspected child abuse or sexual assault
Our services are aimed at anyone who has questions about a possible risk to infants, children and adolescents and/or would like to seek advice:
- Outpatient and inpatient assessment of (possible) acute abuse situations through interdisciplinary case-related diagnostics, clarification and counselling.
- Assessment of the risk and provision of recommendations for further action or initiation of protective measures by involving other institutions.
- Telephone or outpatient counselling for affected children and adolescents, other private individuals and specialist agencies on how to deal with (possible) abuse situations.
- If a risk situation is already identifiable, counselling is also possible before the birth of a child.
- In collaboration with the Domestic Violence Contact Point (AHG), clarification and counselling on the situation of children experiencing domestic violence.
- Helper sessions with already involved professionals and institutions to clarify the need for further protective measures.
- Further training and lectures for professionals and interested laypersons.
Kantonsspital Baden
Im Ergel 1
5404 Baden
- Refuge and advice centre for children, young people and parents in need
- Responding to enquiries from children, young people and other persons regarding possible risks to infants, children and young people
- Examination, treatment and documentation of physical or psychological abuse, sexual assault or neglect, or where there is reasonable suspicion of such
- Emergency admission for the immediate protection of children and young people
- Crisis intervention and initiation of emergency measures
- Referral to counselling, support and therapy
Child and youth protection is one of the core missions of every children’s hospital. That is why there is also an interdisciplinary child protection group at the Children’s Hospital Central Switzerland. The basis for this is the Child and Adult Protection Act.
The child protection group’s task is to recognise and investigate suspected cases of child or youth abuse or neglect. Depending on the situation, this may also involve taking action – always with the aim of protecting the child and enabling positive development. It is important to work together with the child and adult protection authority (KESB) in the patient’s local community.
Luzerner Kantonsspital
Haus 33
6000 Luzern 16
The child protection group at the Münsterlingen Children’s Hospital deals with infants, children and adolescents who have become victims of physical or psychological abuse or sexual assault, or who are at risk of becoming victims.
The child protection group has an advisory role and does not release anyone from a duty of disclosure.
What we offer:
The child protection group meets to assess:
- hospitalised children
- outpatients who have been referred by professionals
to advise external professionals.
Klinik für Kinder und Jugendliche
Spitalcampus 1
CH-8596 Münsterlingen
The Child Protection Group at the Children’s Hospital Zurich deals with infants, children and adolescents who have been victims of abuse. In addition to medical examinations of child abuse, we also offer counselling for those affected, their families and professionals.